Z.G. – 90 Day IRP Fail – October 2020


Robbery and Assault with a Weapon Driving prohibition revoked due to officer not submitting certificate of analysis and issue of jurisdiction from investigation happening at the US/Canada border View all IRP/ADP Cases Experienced criminal defence lawyers No matter how bad you think your case looks best result [...]

H.B. – 90 Day IRP Fail – September 2020


Robbery and Assault with a Weapon Driving prohibition revoked due to credibility issues with officers evidence. Applicant was able to provide evidence that vehicle was push start while officer testified that keys were in the ignition of the vehicle. Independent witness provided evidence Applicant was never driving vehicle. View all IRP/ADP Cases [...]

A.K. – 90 Day ADP Fail Judicial Review – August 2020


Robbery and Assault with a Weapon After an unsuccessful ADP hearing, we filed a petition in Supreme Court arguing that the Adjudicator’s decision was unreasonable for using a presumption only available in the Criminal Code and a misunderstanding of the facts. The Superintendent of Motor Vehicles conceded that our argument was overwhelming and [...]

Impaired Driving Case Study: Crown Accepts Plea to a Lesser Offence


Your Content Goes Here Robbery and Assault with a Weapon Our client was charged with impaired driving after her vehicle went up onto a median attempting to make a left turn. We argued to Crown Counsel that the delay in making the breath demand make the demand unlawful and raised several sympathetic factors [...]

Robbery and Assault with a Weapon


Your Content Goes Here Robbery and Assault with a Weapon Our client was alleged to have participated in a brutal assault and robbery involving bear spray outside a sky train station. After cross examination the complainant agreed that he could not identify our client as the assailant. The complainant’s items were found on our [...]

Drug Trafficking: Charges Dropped Due to Charter Issues


Your Content Goes Here Drug Trafficking Case Study: Problematic Identification Evidence Leads to Acquittal Our client was charged with drug trafficking by taking 4.7 kg of marijuana through the Abbotsford airport. We raised Charter issues at trial arguing that there was an illegal search of the bag and that our client was denied his [...]


The lawyers at Jaswal & Krueger Criminal Defence Lawyers will gladly defend against any criminal charges you, a family member or friend may be facing.

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